Havan Yajana in Manish Papneja Memorial SD Girls College
Yajana has its origin in the Vedas. Vedas are the most ancient treasure-house of knowledge known to humanity. The word Veda comes from the Sanskrit root word “VID” which menace “ to know”. Veda means “Pure knowledge”. This knowledge is given at the time of creation for the entire humanity. Hence it is a universal. It is the most precious intellectual wealth of everyone irrespective of caste, creed, religion and colour. Havan is also known in Sanskrit as Agnihotra. In English Agni means fire, and the Hotra means healing, so Agnihotra means healing fire.
Havan symbolises the three D’s of discipline, devotion and dedication. It teaches us to give without expecting anything in return. Because this is what fire does. While performing havan, we make our offerings by saying the words Swaaha.
The word Swaaha symbolizes soft- spokeness and lightness truth, not being possessive of any object, rather than one’s own being consistent in thoughts and words, and an eagerness to sacrifice every one’s most beloved objects.
Havan has two fold significance, spiritual and materialistic.
The spiritual significance lies in remembering praising, thinking, God and his supreme nature praying for wisdom to perform the right actions and praying for abolition of our imperfection and inculcation of positive qualities.
The materialistic significance of heaven is illustrated by the fact that it is a process of purification of the atmosphere as cumulative effect of various scientific principles to give rise to an unparalleled purifying and healing phenomenon.
On the basis of life has been said to be food. The basis of food is earth. The basis of earth is water and the basis of water is air if it will be pure, all elements of the chain will become pure, thus purify and cleaning life itself.
On the basis of above philosophy, Havan Yojana was performed on 05-08-2024 with the blessings of chief guest Member of Parliament Mr. Nayab Singh Saini Kurukshetra, Haryana. All members of management, staff and students were present on this day. In this way we start our new Academic session 2023-24 .